Read here all applicable MedEOS documentation:
This document shall describe in details all the algorithms, methods and models implemented for the selected application and further include a Product Validation Plan (PVP). The document shall also include all related input data and its sources, processing steps and output data.
Read here:
Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document
This document shall describe all the experimental error analysis and validation activities carried out in MedEOS project following as described in the Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document.
Read here:
Validation Report
This document shall present a summary of MedEOS project, the data package provided in the scope of its demonstrations and the means to access it, as long as practical details on the products main characteristics.
User Handbook
This document shall collect the final findings and results of the Impact Assessment. The contractor shall demonstrate the impact of the newly developed products for the main end-user’s applications.
Impact Assessment Report
This document shall present a complete summary of all the activities developed within the project MedEOS – Earth observation for land-based pollution assessment & monitoring in the Mediterranean coastal waters.
Final Report